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Tuesday, May 12, 2009


What Are you going to do this Summer? Or better yet, what are you doing before Summer starts?

Before Summer: I'm going to a wedding. I'll be gone from Friday the 14th to monday 17th.
During Summer: I'm going to Cancun.


3 bananas have been eaten:

Coleman, who loves Virginia Tech because they have 6 straight 10 win seasons (only Texas can also say that (not Florida, not GT, not UGA, etc.)) said...

Don't get swine flu.

Package Sent By Ninjas said...

yeah, I know. Actually, if I have symptoms, it's up to Mexico to decide what to do. Of course they won't let me leave the airport, or something along those lines, but I have a Very strong imunity system.

Package Sent By Ninjas said...

( I mean seriously! Every time I went to our doctor, Dr. Modesto, I got a shot. I'm doing better with my phobia of needles though. I don't get as scared anymore, and I don't cry when I need to get a shot, but the smell of a doctors' office, (rubbing alcohol?) The smell still gives me nausea. :X