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Monday, October 12, 2009

New stuffz

I gotz a new muzic player. With better muzic and everything :3 Iz it notz nice?

ALSO... New b-ground! WOOP! Here's a pic of the oldie:


Okay, so lately I've been asking my friends the same question. What are you going as for halloween? (or as I prefer to call it 'weenie day) This year I am most probably going as a banana. Although i wanted to go as a SPORK!!! For you losers who don't know what a spork is, I pity you. Google it. Anyway.... tell me what you are going as and maybe why you are going as it.

For our next girlscout meeting we're going to "Uncle Schucks Corn Maze". Now don't get me wrong, I love cornmazes. I also thought of a better idea. An electric fence maze! Genius right? But the thing is, you go into the electric fence maze with a blind fold... In the dark...... while wearing roller skates.
What? I think it sounds like fun....

Anyway.... Chuck Norris.