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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A little note...

My friend wrote me a note in my agenda... it went something like this...

Kelly's "birthday", in reality she wasn't born, she was created. Her creation day was before the beginning of time. Before the beginning of time, time was measured in the number of knuckles the current prime minister had. Therefore Kelly Buckman was created on TWO KNUCKLES.

P.S. She has no belly button, she is a Gemini, and she enjoys long walks on the beach.

P.S.S.The two knuckled prime minister was named Philip Overmeyer.

Good Bye

P.P.P.S, Excuse all the P.S.'s I have a condition

Hope you enjoyed that last Tidbit.

Ooh, tidbit is a funny word. It sounds like a corny name for a dog treat. Like, "Oh, let's go get Sir Schnookums a tidbit!", Ha ha. I wish I had a dog named Sir Schnookums, that'd be sweet! And then I'd get a cat named Lord Schnookums, and they would battle intensely for the name Schnookums. well, would that be illegal? Who knows... but hey, people still shoplift and eat other humans, WHAT?

And then she drew a small picture of Philip O.'s two knuckles with her standing on top of then and an arrow pointing towards her that says "Created".


Monday, October 19, 2009


I really don't see why people like to watch football. Or any sport for that matter. It's like watching someone exercise! Seriously. To me, it's like the equivalent of watching someone run on a treadmill for two hours. The only fun part is the half time show, and some sports don't even have that!! Now wrestling, That's something I love to watch! (Now if only I knew what channel it was on.... If you know, pleez put it in the comments. I have DirectTV)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

How I met Penny and how I got PAL

I found a penny on the floor of the pool once. My friend and I decided to play that game where you throw the penny and you look for it in the chlorinated water. Fun right? Anyway, my friend's brother goes up to the penny and TAKES IT! So we chase him around the pool, but because he's only 10 or something, my friend doesn't want to be too mean to him and asks him nicely to give it back. Well, he refuses. So I start beating him up.... for a penny. I know what your thinking, this is the first time I've met my friend's little brother, why am I beating him up? She's the one who should be doing it! Anyway, we... I, got the penny back. We named him P.A.L. It's short for:Penny Abraham Lincoln. He's taped to my wall of fame in my room with some pics of friends. Yay. All for a penny.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Snake made by Neave Games

Cheesy Jokes

Just what makes a joke cheesy? In my mind it’s more of a groan factor than a laugh meter.

1. What do you call someone who doesn't fart in public? A private tutor!!
2. I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman where the Self Help section was, she said if she told me it would defeat the purpose.
3. Two atoms are drinking at the bar. Suddenly one says to the other, "I've just lost one of my electrons!"”Are you sure?" asks the other. "Yes," replied the first atom. "I'm positive."
4. I think I am a pretty decisive person.
5. Why did the monkey fall out of the tree? It was dead.
6. Two peanuts walk into a bar and one was a salted.
7. A jumper cable walks into a bar. The bartender says, "I'll serve you, but don't start anything."
8.What is white and hurts when you get it in you eye? An ambulance,
9. Two antennae get married. The service was okay, but the reception was amazing!
10. what’s green and bounces in the woods? A flock of cucumbers.
11. What do you call a dog with no legs? Don’t call him anything, he won’t come anyway.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Well I got this really funny idea for people who go haloweening in groups. I warn you now... you'll need atleast 3 people, although the more you have, the funnier. Okay, so you get all but one of the people to dress up as bananas. (INCASE! you are thinking, "oh she's gonna have the other person go as a gorilla and chase the bananas around" YOU ARE MISTAKEN!!)

NO! ^^^^^

Instead, the other person is to dress up... as an orange.
The Orange is to hide while the bananas ring the door bell and say "TRICK OR TREAT" the orange then jumps out and screams:


Anyway..... Corn Syrup.

Monday, October 12, 2009

New stuffz

I gotz a new muzic player. With better muzic and everything :3 Iz it notz nice?

ALSO... New b-ground! WOOP! Here's a pic of the oldie:


Okay, so lately I've been asking my friends the same question. What are you going as for halloween? (or as I prefer to call it 'weenie day) This year I am most probably going as a banana. Although i wanted to go as a SPORK!!! For you losers who don't know what a spork is, I pity you. Google it. Anyway.... tell me what you are going as and maybe why you are going as it.

For our next girlscout meeting we're going to "Uncle Schucks Corn Maze". Now don't get me wrong, I love cornmazes. I also thought of a better idea. An electric fence maze! Genius right? But the thing is, you go into the electric fence maze with a blind fold... In the dark...... while wearing roller skates.
What? I think it sounds like fun....

Anyway.... Chuck Norris.