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Sunday, October 18, 2009

How I met Penny and how I got PAL

I found a penny on the floor of the pool once. My friend and I decided to play that game where you throw the penny and you look for it in the chlorinated water. Fun right? Anyway, my friend's brother goes up to the penny and TAKES IT! So we chase him around the pool, but because he's only 10 or something, my friend doesn't want to be too mean to him and asks him nicely to give it back. Well, he refuses. So I start beating him up.... for a penny. I know what your thinking, this is the first time I've met my friend's little brother, why am I beating him up? She's the one who should be doing it! Anyway, we... I, got the penny back. We named him P.A.L. It's short for:Penny Abraham Lincoln. He's taped to my wall of fame in my room with some pics of friends. Yay. All for a penny.